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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The birth of Prince Alexander of Battenberg, 23rd November 1886

Updated: Jan 21

Queen Victoria with Alexander, Marquess of Carisbrooke, as a baby. Dated 1886 ©️ Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III 2024

Was off & on with dear Beatrice, during the night. She was very patient & brave. All went well, & at 5, all was over, & she gave birth to a boy, who screamed tremendously, a cry that made us very happy & thankful. Mrs Brotherston (the monthly nurse) wrapped up the Baby in flannel, & put the little bundle into my arms, saying: “Yr Maiesty must have him first.” Then he was taken into the Audience Room to be shown to Ld Cross. It was in the same bedroom that on Aug: 6th 1844, (42 years ago.) Affie was born, it being then my bedroom from the time of our wedding till 1847. How thankful, how unboundedly grateful did I feel, that the dreadful moment was over. It must have been 6, by the time I got back to my room, & went to bed, for I was very tired. The moon was shining brightly & ½ an hour afterwards, there was a splendid sunrise. Had a late breakfast, but ran along first, to see my darling child, who was as well as possible & had had some sleep. – Went out for a short while in the pony chair, Irène walking. – Many telegrams.- In the afternoon with Irène & Emily A. wished dear Beatrice good night before dinner; she was so well so calm & quiet. – – Telegrams from Sir H. Rumbold, & Sir F. Lascelles about Kaulbars… The Austrian Minister communicated to me the substance of a telegram from the Austrian agent at Sofia dated the 20th in which had been repeated to him. It says Gen Kaulbars left that day amidst general indifference and that Bulgarian Min. for F.A. told Austrian Agent that the Regency now looked forward to a period of calmness, that the declarations made by Lord Salisbury & Ct Kalnoky had relieved them of their worst apprehensions and that they would be able to preserve a conciliatory attitude towards Russia without giving up any of the ground they are bound to maintain under treaty. The Powers would therefore be able to examine affairs of Bulgaria without fear of internal disturbance there.”

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012 © Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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