“My thoughts constantly with dear Alicky, whose wedding takes place today. I prayed most earnestly for her, & felt so sad I could not be with her. She was to leave Ella’s house for the Winter Palace at 12 o’clock. — Dull, dark day. — Out with Beatrice & Maud, & in the afternoon drove with Beatrice & Cecilia D. — On coming home heard from Bertie that the wedding was just over, & had gone off extremely well. Alicky had looked lovely. Soon after got a telegram, which I annex, & others from Marie & Alix, saying what a trying ceremony it had been, & that darling Alicky had looked “too wonderfully lovely”. Oh! how I do wish I had been there. — This was also dear little Maud’s birthday, & I had a table with presents for her in my room. — Received a number of very interesting letters from St. Petersburg, & 2 dear ones from Nicky & Alicky, from the latter I had also a telegram this morning. — Gave a large dinner in honour of the wedding, at which I proposed the healths of Nicky & Alicky in the following words: “I wish to propose the healths of their Majesties the Emperor & Empress of Russia, my dear Grandchildren” & I stood, whilst the Russian anthem was played. How I thought of Darling Alicky & how impossible it seemed that that gentle little simple Alicky should be the great Empress of Russia! — I annex the dinner list. — Received the following pretty telegram from Nicky: “Words fail me to express to you how deeply thankful I am to you for appointing me Col: in Chief of the gallant Scots Greys. The wedding went off well. Dearest Alicky not tired, tender love from us both”. —“
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