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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The Wedding of Princess Alice and Prince Louis of Hesse, 1st July 1862

Left: Princess Alice in her wedding dress by George Koberwein, dated 1862 Right: Prince Louis of Hesse by Franz Xaver Winterhalter, dated 1861 © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III 2024

“Scarcely got any sleep. Towards morning heard all the preparations for today’s ceremony going on. It tired me terribly. Alice got up & came & kissed me & I gave her my blessing & a Prayer Book, like one dear Mama gave me on our happy wedding morning. — Got up earlier & breakfasted with Alice. Saw Col: Biddulph. — Visited Pss Charles, who presented me Alice’s 2 Ladies, Fräulein von Schenck & Fräulein von Grancy & the gentlemen, good old Herr von Ricon, Major von Grollmann & Herr von Zangen. — Went with Col: Biddulph to look at the Dining room which was very prettily decorated, the altar being placed under our large family picture. All the furniture had been removed, & plants & flowers placed everywhere. Nothing could have looked better than the “Breakfast” table for the Royal personages in the Council Room. — Took a short drive with Lenchen & then saw dear Louis, who was nervous & overcome. Alice was dressed before 1, looking lovely in her bridal attire. She had no train, but a half high dress with a deep flounce of Honiton Lace, a veil of the same & a wreath of orange blossoms & myrtle. She had her order on & wore the beautiful opal cross & brooch. There were 4 Bridesmaids, our 3 girls & Anna of Hesse, dressed in sprigged net over white, with pale mauve trimmings. — The time had come & I, in my “sad cap” as Baby calls it, — most sad, on such a day, went down with our 4 Boys, Bertie & Affie leading me. It was a terrible moment for me. No one was in the room but the Arch Bishop of York, (The Arch Bishop of Canterbury not being well enough to come) the Dean of Windsor & Mr Prothero, who were in their places near the altar. Then all the guests came in, & the different Households. I sat all the time in an armchair, Bertie & Affie close to me. The Hessian Family stood opposite, Clementine, Augustus & Nemours, next to them. After a short pause Louis came in, conducted by Ld Sydney, & followed by his 2 brothers William & Henry. After another pause came the dear dear Bride on her Uncle’s arm, followed by the Brides Maids, a touching sight. The service then commenced, the Arch Bishop performing it beautifully. Alice answered so distinctly & was full of dignity & self possession. Louis also answered very distinctly. I restrained my tears, & had a great struggle all through, but remained calm. The service over, dear Alice, who was wonderfully composed, embraced me, as did also Louis, after which they left the room, followed by us all. – A little while after the couple, Pce & Pss Charles, very overcome & most kind, & dear good Fritz came into the Horn Room, & the Dean brought in the Register, which we all signed, the rest of the Family coming in, in succession. When that was over, I took leave of all the guests & went upstairs, where Alice & Louis joined me, & we lunched together, all the others lunching below. Mr Thomas made a slight sketch of Alice & then she went into her dear Father’s room to change her dress, putting on a white “mousseline de soie” with a little bonnet trimmed with orange blossoms. Her calmness & composure continued. They both went to wish Pce & Pss Charles goodbye, who then came with their sons & daughter to take leave of me. Ernst C. went to Town with them, but returns in 2 days. – Dear Alice & Louis sat with me for a short while & at 5 o’clock I parted with them, blessing them both & saw them drive off (1, standing on the stairs) to St. Clare near Ryde, Jane Churchill, Gen: Seymour & Baron Westerweller following in a 2nd carriage. – Dearest Feodore drove later with me. – Saw Sir James Clark, who was much struck with the impressiveness & quietness of the ceremony, as well as with Alice’s looks & manner. – Dear Fritz dined alone with me & was extremely kind. We talked of many things. The others joined us afterwards. – Read over the account of Vicky’s wedding, so different to this, then, all such a joyous celebration! -“

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

© Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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