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Queen Victoria’s Journal- The funeral of Prince Albert Victor, 20th January 1892

Writer's picture: Victoria ReginaVictoria Regina

Prince Albert Victor, dated sometime in the late 1880s © National Portrait Gallery, London

“This was the dreadful day, & I was thinking of what was taking place at each hour! — Got a kind letter from dear Bertie. — The dear Remains, with the poor Parents, Children, & Tecks, were to leave Sandringham at 11 this morning. Already on the 16th the dear Remains were taken away from the House of the little Church, where they have had a service every day in the evening. — Heard from Col: Byng, who has gone to attend the funeral & took a wreath from me, that the sad Party had arrived at the South Western station at Windsor. — At ½ p. 3 we went to the Chapel where Canon Duckworth, performed a very touching shorts service. The Hymns were: “let Saints on Earth,” “Oh! let him whose sorrow,” & “the Saints of God.” The Funeral Marches by Beethoven & Chopin were played outside by the Band of the 60th Rifles, before & after the service. The Hymns were well sung by Mr Burnaby’s Choir from East Cowes, & his Curate played the organ. The Guard Ship which had came round to Osborne Bay, fired minute guns during the service. It was altogether very affecting. — Took a short drive with Jane C. & Ina Mc Neill. — Had several telegrams saying how well all had gone off, & how solemn, impressive & touching it had been. Arthur telegraphed: “The sad ceremony was most touching simple yet “feierlich”, the quiet & orderly behaviour of the crowd, most striking. The Hussars carried so well & the Gun Carriage was driven admirably. Bertie & Georgie are well.” — I annex the Ld Chamberlain’s account. — After dinner, Col: Byng having returned, I sent for him & he told me all the details. — Bertie, who had walked in the procession between Georgie & Fife, as his son-in-law, looked ill. Col: Byng met Alix, who with the Princesses drove straight to the Chapel, & went up into the Royal Pew, the others, being in the one next to it. This concludes the account of this terrible tragedy, the like of which has not been seen, since the death of poor Pss Charlotte in 1817'

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

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