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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The death of Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, 13th March 1892

On 13th March 1892, Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, husband of Princess Alice and Son-in-law of Queen Victoria, died aged just 54 at New Palace, Grand Duchy of Hesse.

Princess Alice and Prince Louise of Hesse in July 1862 © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III 2024

"A dreadful day, one of those one can hardly write about. I knew our beloved Louis was past hope, but still I fancied, as has often happened, that he might rally out of this. — At 9 Beatrice came to the door of my dressing room, & I knew why. She brought the fatal telegram from Henry of Prussia saying: "Beloved Uncle Louis passed away peacefully at ¼ p. 1 this morning." Too too terrible! Darling Louis, whom I loved so dearly, who was devoted to me & I to him for more than 30 years, it is too dreadful to have to lose him too! He was so devoted to England, & it was his greatest happiness to be with us. Again so near that terrible number 14! How he was adored by his children, now indeed orphans! Poor darling Ernie how he is to be pitied with his great youth burdened now with responsibilities, & poor sweet Alicky without a Parent, & I the only one left of Gd Parents. This to happen while we are mourning poor dear Eddy; only just 2 months since he was taken from us! It is too awful, & I am quite crushed & broken hearted. — Marie was at breakfast, & much grieved. It is anniversary of her poor Father's dreadful death. — Dear Louis' end was so peaceful, surrounded by his adoring children! Could I but have been with them! — I was so upset I could not go to Church, but read prayers in my room. — Sent & received endless telegrams. — Lenchen, much upset, & dreadfully distressed, came to tea. Nothing else was talked of, naturally. Affie was telegraphed to, to go to Darmstadt, & Arthur let me know himself he would go. — Heard late, that the last ceremony was to be on the 17th, so my journey must be changed, & I am putting it off till the 19th, stopping the Sunday at Cherbourg, disembarking that night & arriving at Hyères the 20th. — Saw the Bishop of Rochester, who had preached, & I heard had made a very touching allusion. He was very kind & I broke down completely. He promised to come for a memorial service on the 17th, the 3rd since the 4th of January! — Only we 5 to dinner. — So many telegrams & letters."

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

© Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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