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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The day before her wedding, 9th February 1840

"Sunday, February 9 – Got up at ½ p.9. Received a beautiful Prayer-book from Ma.; breakfasted at 10. Wrote to Lord M. Signed. Wrote my journal. Dearest Albert and Ernest came in; dearest Albert looking so well; with a little of his blue ribbon showing. He brought me 4 beautiful old Fans. At 12 I went down to Prayers with my beloved Albert, Ma., Ernest, and my ladies and gentlemen. My dearest Angel stood near me. Mr. Vane read and the Bishop of London preached a very fine sermon. The Service was over at 5 m. p.1. Came upstairs with my beloved Albert and Ernest, and we stayed there talking with Stockmar. My precious Albert gave me a splendid and lovely broach of an immense Sapphire, set round with diamonds; it is quite beautiful -

Engraving of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in Windsor Park, dated 1840 Source: Pinterest

We took dearest Albert and Ernest over A.’s future rooms, – which pleased Albert. I forgot to say that Albert brought me also a very pretty bracelet from Uncle Leopold and Louise; and that Albert and I gave Lehzen a pretty enamelled bracelet with our pictures. At 2 l lunched downstairs with my beloved Albert, Ma., Uncle Ernest, and Ernest, I went upstairs; saw Stockmar, Dearest Albert came up to my room and sat on the sofa next to me, and we talked of Anson’s appointment as his Treasurer, and about which we had had some little misunderstandings; and he was so dear and eherlich and open about it; he will appoint him. I embraced him again and again; he was so kind and dear and affectionate. He left me soon, and I saw him drive out through an immense crowd. At 10 m. p.4 Lord Melbourne came to me and stayed with me till 5. Talked of my being well; he was well. He had been to his sister’s party, which I told him was foolish; talked of the immense crowds; of dearest Albert, his being well, but a little tired and agitated. Lord M. had been with the Duke of Sussex who gave him a whole account of his marriage with Lady Cecilia,&c.; all which I have not time to put down here; but the long and short of it was, that he wished the thing to be done; he would not mind being married again, he said; or if it could be done in a middle way, and if I didn’t consent, (which I said to Lord M. I never could, and he agrees with me he would proceed in the usual way and give Notice to the Privy Council, and It within a year there had been no Address against it trom either Houses of Parliament it could take place,&c. Talked of Gardner; told Lord M. of dearest Albert’s appointment of Anson; and we talked for some time of the gentlemen he should have and of their salaries, and he said he would send a sketch.&. Talked of dearest Albert’s being agitated; “That’s very natural,” Lord M. said; “I don’t wonder at it”; and I said I heard Albert feared I loved him less before we came to an explanation; – but that all was right now and that he was so anxious to do everything right. Lord M. promised to stay Thursday. I took his hand and pressed it, and thanked him for all his kindness, which I hoped he would continue. I couldn’t believe what was to happen next day, I sald. – Lay down for a few minutes. Received a pretty turquoise bracelet from Mama. At a ¼ to 6 my beloved Albert came to me and stayed with me till 20 m. to 7. We read over the Marriage Service together and tried how to manage the ring.

Wrote my journal. – At 8 we dined. The dinner was just the same as the day before with the exception of Lord Albemarle, Lord Erroll, Lord Byron, Col: Grey, and Stockmar; and with the addition of Lord Surrey and Col: Cavendish. (My precious) Albert led me in and I sat between him and Uncle E. It was my last unmarried evening, which made me feel so odd. The gentlemen came out with the ladies. I took wine with Lord M. at dinner. After dinner he talked with my dearest Albert. I sat on the sofa with dearest Albert, Lord Melbourne sitting near me. Talked of A’s having talked to him (Ld M.) &c.; of guessing words; the Lord’s Prayer being almost entirely composed of Saxon words, all but 4; of the Cathedral at Canterbury and Bishop Chichely being buried there; &c.; of the Duke of Sussex and his giving me 3 guard rings; his giving Miss Smyth away at Kensington, to Lord Dinorben. Of the mothers of the Train-bearers being in a fever at not being in the Chapel,&c. &c. He hoped I would sleep well; and said that he would see me after the breakfast. &c. &c. Stayed up till 7 m. p.11.”

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

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