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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The confirmation of Princess Louise, 21st January 1865

Updated: Jan 22

Princess Louise her confirmation, 21st January 1865 © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III 2024

"A beautiful morning. — Felt very low when I walk, thinking, & praying for our beloved fatherless Child, who was today to take upon herself her Baptismal vows. — At a little before 12 started with Louise for Whippingham. She was dressed in a perfectly plain white silk dress trained with swansdown. All the rest of the family & the Ladies & gentleman had gone on before. I was very nervous & "ennue". The service commenced with the Hymn "Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire, after which followed the Arch Bishop's "Charge" which was very beautiful & included a touching allusion to dearest Albert, which quite upset me, & I think, there were many wet eyes. Oh! to have a 2nd child brought to the Altar, without her beloved Father, who always led there himself & felt so deeply on these solemn occasions. But his spirit was surely with us. The Arch Bishop performed the whole service admirably. It concluded with the Hymn "O happy day that fixed my choice". The school children sang really very nicely. We had chairs in the chancel, & the ladies & Gentleman occupied our pew, whilst the servants were in the pew opposite. When we returned from the church, took Louise up to her dear Father's room where I gave her, in both our names, the Victoria & Albert order & the necklace & earrings in diamond "châlons", similar to her sisters, but alas! no longer chosen by my beloved one, which Lenchen's was. Bertie & Alix gave Louise a pretty ruby & diamond ornament for the neck. Poor Louiseseemed greatly relieved that the ceremony had passed off so well. She went to rest & did not come to luncheon. Saw the good, amiable & benevolent Arch Bishop, who was quite touched when I spoke to him & took leave. — The afternoon was so beautiful, that I went on my pony, Lenchen walking with me, & we went round by the sea, the woods & Barton, from whence I walked home. — Css Blücher dined with me & Louise sat part of the time with us. The dear Countess afterwards read to me one of Dr Stanley's sermons. — Read over the account of former Confirmations at Windsor, in happy days, & felt very sad."

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

© Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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