On 10th March 1864, Prince Albert Victor, son of Prince Albert Edward (later King Edward VII) and grandson of Queen Victoria, was christened in the Private Chapel at Buckingham Palace.

“A year since Bertie’s marriage. May God long bless & preserve him & dear Alix! — A fine frosty morning. — The Danes have again been severely beaten by the Austrians. — The King of Bavaria dangerously ill. — At 10 started for London, with dear Uncle, the 2 girls, 2 Ladies &c, Leopold, Baby & all the others having gone on before at 9. — On arrival at Buckingham Palace took dear Uncle to his rooms. Affie had met us at the station. — Felt very agitated & nervous. Being back here with all unchanged, as if nothing had happened, as if all was right, & yet the dead silence, was very overwhelming. Dressed in dearest Albert’s dressingroom wearing a deep black dress, with a “demi toilette” body, my evening cap with a very long crèpe lisse veil & diamonds bordering the cap part, my large row of diamonds round my neck, with the cross, dearest Albert’s sapphire brooch & my orders. The 3 girls were in white. Baby looked sweet with a little hand of lilies of the valley in her hair. Met dear Uncle, my Ladies & the 3 Gentlemen who went with me, as also Uncle’s Gentlemen, & went sadly & tremblingly through the suite of rooms, we had so often gone through together of an evening, for Balls & Concerts, down to the Chapel, the Band beginning to play one of Handel’s Marches. This was a most trying moment for me, & nothing but being near my dear fatherly Uncle, enabled me & keep up. Feeling every eye fixed on me was dreadful. There was a short pause, & then the other Sponsors came in, followed, after a longer pause, by all the Royalties. The service began with my beloved one’s beautiful Chorale & the Hymn “I will give thanks to thee O Lord”. Then the Baby (just as formerly) was brought in by the Ld Chamberlain (Ld Abercorn acting for Ld Spencer) &c, carried by Mrs Clark, & followed by Lady Macclesfield.

He wore the Christening robe & cap worn by all our 9 Children. He was wide awake, & after the 1rst few minutes took to roaring, continuing through the whole of the service, excepting for a moment, when I handed him to the Arch Bishop of Canterbury naming him. Albert, Victor, Christian Edward. He had to be taken away, he made such a noise. We left as before, at the conclusion of the service & the Royal Family & Princes & Princesses joined me in the White Drawing room. At 2 they all went to a great luncheon in the Supper Room, while I lunched quietly with the 3 younger children in dearest Albert’s large sitting room. The little Baby was brought to me. Saw good Skerrett a moment & then undressed, after which dear Bertie & Alix came to me & I gave him a pretty profile head of Alix, done by Graeffle, which was hers & my joint gift, & they gave me a charming coloured photo of herself with the Baby, & one in her wedding attire. After this they left & I saw Ld Abercorn (for the 1rst time). Was much affected as he too. He was 13 years with dearest Albert, who liked him particularly, & he was such a link with Ld Aberdeen. – Rested, then dressed & wished goodbye to dear Clém & Clothilde, driving at ¼ p. 5 to Marlborough House where I Saw the preparations for this evening’s dinner, & visited dear Alix for a moment. Then to the station, where there were great quantities of people, reaching Windsor at 7. – Dined with Augusta Stanley & Katherine B., the former having come down from London with us. – Very tired. -“
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