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Queen Victoria’s Journal - Princess Alexandra of Denmark arrives in England, 7th March 1863

Writer's picture: Victoria ReginaVictoria Regina

On 7th March 1863, Princess Alexandra of Denmark arrived in England three days before her wedding to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales.

Queen Victoria's journal-

“Bustle & agitation everywhere. The preparations in London & all over the country quite wonderful & people are very anxious it should be Known that it is meant out of love & affection to as both! There were such good articles in the “Times” & “Globe” expressing this. Ld Clarendon yesterday so truly said that when I married, I had only reigned 2 years & dearest Albert was not known & could not be, though everyone had heard the highest praise of his character & talents. Still no one knew or dreamt of his becoming such a wonderful great man! There was great rejoicing at my marriage, but on this occasion as on that of my dreadful loss, there are outbursts of depth of feeling, which are most touching & gratifying, testifying to the appreciation of our domestic life of 22 years & all my beloved one did! “The people know,” Ld Clarendon said “that the young Princess had the Prince Consort’s & Your Majesty’s approval & this gives the country a great sense of security.” — Bertie came to wish me goodbye at ½p. 9, on his way to Gravesend & was a good deal agitated. — Dull & cold. — Arthur arrived. He, Leopold, Augusta B. & all Alice’s suite, have gone to Frogmore. – Walked with Vicky, Alice, Ernest C. & Fritz to the Mausoleum & Alice drove me afterwards. – Marie B.’s cold very bad, Louise and Baby have one also, & the little boys cough. – Heard of the landing & departure from Bricklayers’ Arms. – It began to rain soon after 2. There was great doubt, indecision & waiting, reminding one of the long “atteste” for the Emperor’s arrival. People assembled in spite of the rain & many were in a stand which had been erected outside the gates at the top of the hill. – From ¼ to 6, when we heard they had left the Gt Western Station, waited with all our daughters, Marie B. & little William, in my room, our 4 sons having gone to Slough to meet the train. Ernest C., Philip & Ernest L., with all the Ladies & Gentleman waited in the Corridor. I felt very low & nervous.-

The Landing of HRH the Princess Alexandra at Gravesend, March 7 1863’ by Henry Nelson O’Neil, dated 1864 © National Portrait Gallery, London

The bells began to ring & at length, in pouring rain & when it was getting dark, the carriages & escort were seen coming. All rushed down, excepting myself, Alice, Marie, & the 2 little children. I went down nearly to the bottom of the staircase & Bertie appeared, leading dear Alix, looking like a rose. I embraced her warmly & with her parents, Dagmar, the 2 sons, Thyra & Waldemar went upstairs. Alix wore a grey dress, with a violet jacket, trimmed with fur & a white bonnet. We all went into the White Drawing room, where we remained a few minutes & then Vicky took them over to their rooms. I went back to my room, desolate & sad. It seemed so dreadful that all this must take place, strangers arrive & he my beloved one not be there! Vicky, Alice soon came to me & tried to cheer me & kiss away my tears. While I was waiting Vicky returned & was sitting with me, dressed for dinner, when dear gentle Alix, knocked at the door, peeped in, & came & knelt before me, with that sweet loving expression, which spoke volumes. I was much moved & kissed her again & again. She said the crowd in London had been quite fearful, & the enthusiasm very great, no end of decoration &c, but the crush in the city had been quite alarming. Bertie came in for a moment whilst Alix was there. There was a family dinner, I dining alone with Katherine Bruce. Dagmar came in with Louise, & we were struck by her pretty manners, just like Alix’s. – After dinner I went for ½ an hour to the White Drawing room, where the whole party were assembled, which was a great trial for me. Sat with Pss Christian, whose great deafness is a great misfortune. When I left, Alice & Lenchen went with me to my room. Felt so upset & wretched. – Good accounts of dear Affie, who has begun to sit up a little. -“

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

© Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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