24th December 1900 -
“I got up a little earlier, & had in fact slept better, not having laid awake long. — Went out with Lenchen & Beatrice. — Rested when I came in, & did not go out again. — Had my tea, & at 6 went down, being joined by Arthur, Louischen & their children, Lenchen, Christian, Thora, Louie, & Abby, & Beatrice & her children. We went to the Durbar Room, where the Xmas tree & present tables were arranged. I felt very melancholy as I see so very badly. — I received lovely things, amongst which an enamel of dear Christle, set with little sapphires, given by Lenchen, & a lovely bracelet, in remembrance of dear Affie, given by Bertie & Alix. — I gave all my personal servants their usual presents, & my children gave those for the Ladies & Gentlemen. — Took a little supper in my room, & then Beatrice came up & played to me. —“
25th December 1901 -
“Did not have a good night, was very restless, & every remedy that was tried failed in making me sleep. Then when I wished to get up, I fell asleep again, which was too provoking. — Went out with Lenchen & Beatrice about 1 & the former told me Sir J. Reid wished me to know that dear Jane Churchill had had one of her bad heart attacks in the night, & that he had telegraphed for her son, as he thought very seriously of her condition. I said “You remember, I warned & asked her son whether it was safe for her to come as she was so ill at this very time last year.” — I felt anxious, & on coming home sent for Sir James, who said “she is very ill”, so I asked at once for another lady, to which he replied “most decidedly”. Later, after I had some broth & rested a little, I took a short drive with Louischen & Thora, & we talked a great deal about dear Jane, as I was so distressed at her being so ill. Directly I returned, I again sent for Sir James, who said “I was just coming to tell Yr Majesty all was over.” She had died this morning early, in her sleep, & had just slept peacefully away. They had not dared tell me for fear of giving me a shock, so had prepared me gradually for the terrible news. I saw Harriet Phipps, who told me all about it. I naturally was much upset & very unhappy, as dear Jane was one of my most faithful & intimate friends. — At 6 had a little service in the Drawing room, performed by Mr Ellison, who gave a very nice short address & 3 Hymns were sung, Beatrice playing the Harmonium. Then I went upstairs & rested. This has indeed been a terribly sad Christmas for us all!. — “
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