On this day, 13th May 1848, Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, was baptised in the Private Chapel at Buckingham Palace

Queen Victoria’s Journal:
“Another intensely hot day. — We were out as usual. — Mama most kindly sent the Baby a string of pearls, to which was attached a locket with her hair, similar to what she gave Lenchen. — It was uncertain at one moment in the afternoon, whether Aunt Gloucester would come to the Christening or not, on account of not having been well, but eventually, as she wished it so much, she came. Those who were also present were the Queen Dowr & all her family, the Pce of Prussia, the Ct of Syracuse, Aunt Cambridge, her 2 nephews & Mary. I wore a silver mairé dress with my wedding lace wreath of acacia’s, with diamonds. The 4 Children came down with us into the Drawingroom, Bertie, in a light blue velvet jacket, embroidered with gold, Vicky & Alice in white English lace dresses & Affie in a white & silver blouse After waiting a while, the procession of the Sponsors was formed, consisting of the Queen, for the Dss of Meiningen, Aunt Cambridge, for Augusta, & Albert, for Gd Uncle Gustaf, followed by their attendants, & soon after, we began to move, the Pce of Prussia leading me, & having Alice by the hand, & I, holding Affie. Vicky & Bertie walked together behind me. We sat near the Altar. After the 1rst piece of music had been performed (Albert’s last Hymn, composed as a Christmas one) the Ld Chamberlain left, to fetch the child who was brought in by Mr Bray the nurse & Ly Lyttelton in attendance. I offered up my fervent prayers, that God would bless & protect through life, our dear little child. She looked very pretty, – so white plump. She cried a little at first, but behaved very well when the Archbishop took her in his arms & christened her. The Queen named her Louise, Caroline Alberta. Another piece of music by Mozart followed before the Blessing, & then we returned as we came, We went upstairs in procession, excepting Aunt Gloucester whom Aunt Cambridge took up another way, as she had been seized with giddiness & faintness, during the service. The Baby & Lenchen were brought into the Throne Room, where we were all assembled. Lenchen looked lovely, dressed like her sisters. – We sat down to dinner in the Gallery, at a little after 8. The Pce of Prussia led me in & I sat between him & Duke Bernard, Albert leading in the Queen & sitting opposite. – The Prince was pleased at the news that the Poles in Posen had submitted & was expecting a courier this evening to inform him whether he was to return now or remain in London. A great party has been recently formed in his favour. – The following healths were given out: H.R.H. Pss Louise, H.M. Queen Adelaide &c, the Queen, & the Pce Consort. Poor Aunt Gloucester got well through the dinner, & even remained till 10 o’clock. – I did “cercle” for a long time. Everybody seemed impressed by the very bad state of affairs in France. We felt so painfully the sad contrast of all the pouf of this evening here, & the sorrow & state of poverty, of those poor exiles at Claremont, who in former times have been so fètéd here, & who, nearly related, as they are, could not appear. It is so sad. – There was nice music in the evening & all was well over by ½ p. 11. -“
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