On 9th September 1862, Prince Albert Edward (later King Edward VII), eldest son of Queen Victoria, became engaged to Princess Alexandra of Denmark at Laeken in Denmark
“On getting up, found a letter from Bertie, who had paid his visit at Ostend, & wrote from Brussels. — Breakfasted with Lenchen only, dear Feodore not being quite well. I found her in bed. — Out with Lenchen & Leopold, they on ponies & I, in my pony chair. Went to the Abtsburg, which was a steep climb, but we managed it all right. The view was beautiful. Came back a shorter road & less rough & steep. We had been out quite a long time. — Writing after luncheon & seeing Major Elphinstone. — Saw Feo & George of Meiningen in Feodore’s room, the latter grown stouter since I last saw him, & she, most handsome. — Saw Ld Russell & talked of Bertie’s marriage, — of France, — Germany & the Schleswig Holstein question. We discussed the importance of Bertie’s marriage being in no sense, considered a political one. — Drove with Lenchen & Augusta B. to Ernstroda, a very picturesque looking village. — On coming home had a telegram from Bertie, which shortly afterwards Gen: Grey sent back deciphered, to the effect that he “had proposed & been accepted this day”, & asking “for my consent & blessing”. So it is settled. — Lenchen & Louise delighted to hear the news. — After dinner wrote to Ernest, who unfortunately dislikes the marriage very much. — Writing. — Terribly sad & wretched. —“
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