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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Prince Albert’s letters - The Arrival of Prince Albert, A letter from Prince Albert to Queen Victoria, 7th February 1840

Windsor Castle in modern times; Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and Victoria, Princess Royal © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III

Dear beloved Victoria, — Now I am in the same country as you. What a comforting thought for me ! And tomorrow I shall he looking into your dear eyes. It is hard to have to wait till tomorrow evening; and yet the long absence has flown by so quickly, and tomorrow’s dawn will soon break. We had a terrible crossing yesterday, for the whole boat was crammed with sick people. I never remember having suffered so long or so violently. Papa and Ernest too were in a miserable condition.

When we landed our faces were more the colour of wax candles than human visages. However, our reception was very satisfactory, 'fhousaiuls were standing on the quay, and greeted us with loud and continuous cheering. Torrington says it is long since he saw so hearty a welcome.

The authorities are to come this morning with their Address, and I shall return thanks with the reply sent to me from London. After that we set out for Canterbury. I shall be very glad to meet the good Baron Stockmar there again. Have the kindness, splendid Victoria, to give the aunt a thousand messages from me. Papa and Ernest lay themselves at your feet. I lay myself higher-right up to your heart, hoping to find it open to me, and remain with unchanging love and attachment, my own dear bride’s ever faithful, Albert

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