Wednesday 9th January 1901 -
'A bad night, & got up late. — Did not go out till the afternoon, when I drove with Harriet P. It was fine & mild & all the snow disappearing fast. — Have appointed Verena Churchill to take her dear mother-in-law's place as Lady in Waiting, which keeps up the connection with our dear Jane, & I know she would have been so pleased. Verena is very amiable & nice. — Had some food & rested. — At 5.30. Beatrice brought in Eddie Gleichen, who has come for a night, to see me. He returned 3 weeks ago from S. Africa & is going immediately to Egypt, where an excellent appointment has been given him. He says he feels nothing at all of his wound now. He told many interesting things. — Harriet P. read to me & later I dictated to Lenchen & then she & Beatrice wished me good night.'
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