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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

The final illness and death of Prince Albert through Queen Victoria’s letters and journals, 3rd December 1861:

Prince Albert, dated 1st March 1861 © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III

Queen Victorias journal:

“Found dear Albert awake, when I went to bed last night, having however had some sleep, but he complained of cold & awoke continually afterwards. He was very restless & also slept little, hearing the clock strike almost every hour. He at length went to his room & I followed him. He looked dreadfully ill & seemed utterly wretched while dressing, which greatly alarmed & distressed me. Read to him, & so did Alice. — Out driving with her & Marie. – Saw L° Russell after luncheon, who introduced Sir A. Buchanan. Talked of the American business, &c. – Alas! In see no improvement in my dearest Albert, who is so listless & takes so little notice. Good kind old Sir J. Clark has been here since yesterday & reassured me, saying there was no cause for alarm either present, or future. It looked as if it were likely to turn into a low fever, but he felt sure Albert would soon be better. He however himself was so apprehensive of a low fever. This they repeated he not be. — Walked out late with the 3 girls. — Saw Sir C. Phipps, who was kind & also reassuring. — Dear Albert got some sleep, & said on making he thought he was better. — Dinner the same as yesterday. Heard Albert was in bed by 8 & they hoped was asleep. — L’ Palmerston had gone to Town & could not return, as he had the Govt. On returning to my room heard Albert was asleep. -“

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

© Bodleian Libraries © ProQuest

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