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Writer's pictureVictoria Regina

Queen Victoria’s Journal - The confirmation of Prince Albert Edward (later King Edward VII), 1st April 1858

On the 1st April 1858, the confirmation of Queen Victoria's eldest son, Prince Albert Edward, later King Edward VII, took place at the private chapel in Windsor Castle.

Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, at his confirmation. © Royal Collection Trust / HM King Charles III

"A showery, raw morning. — Bertie came to wish me good morning, before breakfasting alone in his room. Our visitors came to breakfast. All the other Children looked for Easter eggs. — At a little before 12 we assembled with the Royal Family (Mama included) & our 5 Children. Albert went & fetched Bertie, who was in his Windsoruniform, Affie & Arthur being in kilts. The 3 girls wore blue dresses, I also. We proceeded to the Chapel, preceded & followed by the Court, Bertie walking between me & his father. He then stood just before the altar, we, to his left, & Mama & the Cambridges opposite. All those invited, had already taken their places in the Chapel. The same Hymns were sung, as at Vicky's Confirmation, — fine, & impressive. Bertie behaved extremely well, answered distinctly & was very "receuilli" in his manner. The Archbishop gave a good Charge, with sound words of advice to Bertie, both as a Christian, & a Prince. Felt much the importance of this solemn step, for dear Bertie & prayed most earnestly for God's all merciful guidance & protection & that our dear Child might ever look back on this day with thankfulness, & without any shame at having departed from his solemn vow & promises! Gave him a kiss, as we came out of the Chapel. Talked to the visitors & guests in the Green Drawingroom. It was curious to see Ld Derby, Ld John Russell, Ld Palmerston, Lord Lansdowne, the Duke of Newcastle, & MrWalpole, &c all together. We then went to the King's Room, where the various presents were laid out. We gave Bertie a beautiful vase of silver, "repoussé" work by Veité, & Fritz & Vicky a fine statuette of St. George & the Dragon. The 5 Children, Mama, & the Cambridges also gave presents, as well as others. Luncheon at ½ p. 1. Darling little Beatrice, appeared for the 1rst time in short clothes, with stockings & shoes. — Wished our visitors goodbye, & went to our rooms. Saw Mr Gibbs & bestowed on him the Civil C.B., for his valuable services, & have appointed Mr Tarver Chaplain. — We walked later, with Bertie, Alice & Affie. — Saw the Dean & talked over the examination & Confirmation. He is much pleased with Bertie's behaviour & good feeling. — We dined alone with Bertie, & afterwards had a good talk with him, then Albert & I played duets, & so ended this eventful day. May God's blessing rest on it & on our dear Child!"

© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2012

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