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Young Queen Victoria

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Historically adequate 

Amelia has spent hundreds of hours stitching, researching and ensuring her costume and performance are correct. 

 From replicas of Queen Victoria's order of the garter to replicas of her handkerchiefs Amelia has spent countless hours gathering an authentic period costume.  


Young Queen Victoria Interactions

Victoria is always happy to answer questions on her life, her jewels and any other questions her loyal subject come up with. Amelia is well educated and knows Victoria's life down to the very details.


Spending lots of time reading Victoria's journals, correspondences and exchanges Amelia has picked up on words and phrases Victoria used in every day life, her personal views and opinions. This helps give a detailed and characteristic performance.

Copyright 2023 © Rikard Österlund. All rights reserved


- Bringing Victoria out of the widows weeds and back into the light.

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